Paekivitoodete Tehas – is polar bear Friida corporate sponsor
The company has been for a long time the sponsor of Tallinn Zoo polar bears; previously Paekivitoodete Tehase OÜ supported polar bear Nord. The polar bear Friida (born in December…
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The company has been for a long time the sponsor of Tallinn Zoo polar bears; previously Paekivitoodete Tehase OÜ supported polar bear Nord. The polar bear Friida (born in December…
The best possible use must be found for low-quality oil shale waste rock, first of all by the ending of throwing dust into the public eye, writes Enno Rebane, Executive…
This is a free energy camp for children aged 7-16, which takes place on the territory of TalTech University. TalTech lecturers and students conduct classes and organize experiments with children:…
Dear customer, We would hereby like to notify you of the upcoming increase in prices at our quarries. As of 5 July 2021, we will be increasing the sales prices…
Väo and Maardu quarries are closed from 23- 24.06.2021 22.06.2021 - shortened working day (-3 hours)
During the working days: Maardu quarry is opened 7:30 –16:30
Tomorrow's prosperity will be made possible by a green turn for renewable energy, smart homes, and self-propelled cars, which will only be possible through the responsible use of local limestone.…
In connection with the transition to the summer working schedule, the quarries of Paekivitooodete Tehase OÜ are opened as follows: During the working days: Väo quarry – 7:30 – 19:00…
In march, the weighing room and quarry sales will operate as follows: During the working days: Väo quarry – 7:30 – 16:30 Maardu quarry: 8:00 – 16:00
The crisis in the raw materials market threatening the building materials market can be avoided, confirmed Paekivitoodete Tehase OÜ geological surveys. Based on the initial results, the limestone of the…