Limestone Factories of Estonia, holding a green energy certificate, started operating its heavy equipment with one of the world’s most environmentally friendly and innovative biomass-produced HVO diesel fuels.
Twenty units of heavy machinery started working at the Väo limestone quarry and construction sites in Tallinn with diesel fuel HVO – Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil, made from biological residues, which is classified as a completely environmentally friendly, or 0-emission, fuel.
«I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our cooperation partners Neste and Poweron, whose open attitude allows us to adopt environmentally sustainable measures», – Limestone Factories of Estonia OÜ chairman of the board Kuldar Õunapuu.
Neste MY Renewable Diesel™ contains 100% HVO. The innovative fuel is produced in the course of the hydrogenation process. First, impurities are separated from the raw material and then hydrogenated at high temperatures. The result is an odorless fuel of consistent quality with a chemical composition similar to fossil diesel fuel. Therefore, it can be added to fossil diesel fuel in any amount or run on pure HVO diesel fuel without rebuilding the engine.