Gallery: Lasnamäe days 24-25.08: excursions in Väo quarry
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Paekivitoodete Tehase OÜ and Keestrack invite you to the III Baltic Construction Miners' Forum in Tallinn Väo Quarry on 27-28 August 2020 . The primary goal of the event lies…
On 12.06.2020, the second mobile stone crushing machine equipped with a hybrid engine was sold to Vao Paas OÜ. In June 2020, Paekivitoodete Tehas sold another such crushing-sorting line requiring…
20.08 – both quarries are closed. 21.08.2020: Väo quarry - 07:30 – 16:30
Paekivitoodete Tehase OÜ received support from the EIC (Environmental Investment Center) company energy and resource efficiency measure for the implementation of the project "Paekivitoodete Tehase OÜ wheel loader resource efficiency…
In 2018 Paekivitoodete Tehase OÜ received support from EIC (Environmental Investment Center) company energy and resource efficiency measure for the implementation of the project “Paekivitoodete Tehase OÜ resource efficiency investment”.…